Cooper is 6 weeks old now and I can't even believe he's that old! I know some of you are like "really it's just 6 weeks"- but it has gone by way too fast! I'm so thankful for an amazing job that allowed me to take off 10 weeks to spend quality time with him. I'm also thankful for old school 90210 and One Tree Hill re-runs because that's what I pretty much watch everyday! With the weather so cold and all the sicknesses going around we don't really get out too much. We've been out to eat some and Cooper goes to the gym with me and
Cooper is pretty easy going baby- he doesn't really fuss at all unless he's pooping or when he's fighting his sleep (he started doing this around 5 weeks) but he usually gives in pretty quick once I put him on my chest and pat his booty. He figured out he has a tongue around 4-weeks and would move it around quite a bit. He's also starting to be awake more during the day and we take advantage of it with some tummy/play time and singing. He's still doing really great in his crib and has been waking up 1x a night but he'll sleep for a good 5-6 hours before that wake-up so I'm getting good sleep. We are also still giving him 1 bottle a day before bedtime. Breastfeeding definitely makes me want to eat about 24-7! Some days are worse than others but I've been trying to stick to healthy things and get back on a somewhat zone eating plan.
Cooper you're one sweet baby and smiling/cooing more and more every day and I LOVE it! We love you so much!
Hanging out in my swing while mommy showers
Going to get some pizza with mom/dad and friends
We've started using this play-mat some but Cooper isn't really interested in the toys quite yet- he'll move his arms some and move the toys but it's not on purpose by any means.
Andrew and I have lots of family and friends that love to watch Cooper for us so we've gotten to have some date nights and lunch dates too!
At Clint's Benefit
Yummy dinner/drinks for the hubs birthday
On a different note: Andrew's mom recently got diagnosed with myeloid leukemia- She's been through TONS already and has to go through more strong chemo. She's been in LR since last Thursday and they haven't started the chemo yet due to trying to get her counts up since the chemo will cause them to drop very low. She could be in LR for awhile. Please keep her and the family in your prayers. Andrew will be heading to LR tomorrow to spend a couple of days with her while he's off work so his dad can work some.