He still loves books and that's the first thing he asks for when he wakes up and he'll look at it for a bit in the crib. He doesn't like getting his diapers changed anymore and when you say let's change your diaper he will tell you "no" = ) so that's always fun ha! Cooper has decided to try to get picky with eating sometimes and yes I've had to have some heart to heart talks about this and they are not pretty! He has gotten way better though and realizes this doesn't work for mommy or daddy. We do give him ketchup for his meats, but hey I could eat that stuff by itself so he just takes after me = ) He still loves fruits and favorite veggies are probably green beans and corn. He is still a great sleeper- lay down around 8 and sleep until around 7 or later. He wears 18 month shirts and shorts are 12 or 12-18 months, and wears size 4 diapers.
At Cooper's 18-month check up he weighed 23 pounds (38th %), and is 31in. long (19th %).
Now just get ready for tons of pictures to show what we've been up to = )
We got to welcome a sweet new cousin- baby Oliver
We eat pizza about once a week and Cooper takes after his daddy and LOVES pizza! He could easily eat his weight in it, and I'm not lying!!
At one of the many Bella Vista parks with Pops
Cooper and I did our first 400m fun walk for Children's Advocacy Center and an unplanned 5k
We died Easter eggs for the first time and it was a HUGE hit!
Easter 2014
He loved getting the eggs and then banging around his basket to make noise
Doing some rowing at the gym- Cooper loves going to the gym and trying to imitate everyone working out
Me and this handsome guy celebrated 3 years together. I'm so thankful for such a great hubs and daddy to Cooper
Yes he's on Nala's dog bed and loves running to it and just flopping down and chilling
Cooper's babysitter with all her kids she watches! We love Aura!!!!
Cooper's second Race for the Cure walk for Melanie!
We had our first swim of the year at Aunt Darcy and Uncle Mike's house. Cooper isn't too sure about the pool this year- it takes him quite awhile to warm up to it unlike last year he couldn't get enough
I'm a little obsessed with taking pictures of Cooper sleeping- I can't help it, I know it's just me but he just looks so sweet and peaceful and sometimes sleeps in very weird or funny positions = )
This boy loves chips and salsa- as soon as the waitress puts it down he says "chip, chip" and you better get it quick before he starts demanding ha!
We've made some time for the splash park- again he has to warm up to it but loves it once he does
We got a swing set from a friend and Cooper loves it!
I got to go on a girls trip with 2 of my besties and my mom. We had a relaxing trip in Vegas with great shopping, food and drinks and didn't get too crazy = )
Cooper loves riding on the 4-wheeler
Cooper got to experience Chuck-E-Cheese for the first time with his cousins (Hannah and Woody) and Uncle Mike/Aunt Darcy. From all the pictures it looked like he had a blast and he got to eat his favorite...pizza
I had my 10 year HS reunion and after all these years we're still friends and try to get together with out busy schedules!
Photo Booth time at the night event
A play date with Sadler at the coolest park in Springdale!
Another swim day with Leo at Bella Vista pool
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